Numerology solutions

Full Numerology Analysis

It includes the full analysis covering all major aspects of life. The remedies will be suggested to minimize the life problems and make you rise and shine.

Name Correction Numerology

It’s a very important aspect of life which people usually are not aware. Name of a person must match with his/her date of birth to attain success.

Business/Profession Numerology

A super Successful business or Profession is everyone’s dream. If numbers related to success are missing in date of birth then our remedies will fulfill the energies of missing numbers to make you successful

Marriage Numerology

For a happy married life, the numbers of date of birth of both partners should not be anti or opposite with each other. Our remedies will bring peace and happiness in your life

What is Numerology

Numerology is a miracle science. Over my years of practice, I have seen people change their lives wonderfully well by following Numerology. Numerology is a science which breaks the energy of whole universe into 9 numbers namely from 1 to 9. Each number has an energy attached to it. So whenever these numbers appear in our life in whichever way e.g by our date of birth, our name, business names, home and business address, car numbers, mobile numbers , e tc , it affects our life . The numbers which appears , bring their energy with them but the energy of the missing numbers is lost. The combination of numbers which have appeared , creates an energy mix. This energy mix creates a vibration. This vibration needs to match with the vibration of the person whose analysis is being done. If the vibration doesn’t match then the NUMEROLOGY is used to match the vibration of the person with the vibration of his energy mix. This is done by adding the energy of missing numbers or by channelizing the existing energy. - Gomtesshwar Jain